United Supreme Council of World Masons, Inc.

United Supreme Council of World Masons, Inc.

Welcome to the United Supreme Council of World Masons, Inc. Together, let us continue to uphold the tenets of Freemasonry, strengthen the bonds of brotherhood, and make a positive impact in the world. 

We invite you to explore our website, delve into the depths of Masonic wisdom, and connect with brethren from around the world. Whether you are a seasoned Mason seeking further enlightenment or a curious seeker embarking on your Masonic journey, USCWM is here to support and guide you every step of the way.

Our organization stands firm in promoting education, enlightenment, and social responsibility. Through our rituals, ceremonies, lectures, and discussions, we seek to elevate the mind, broaden perspectives, and inspire individuals to become better versions of themselves. Together, we strive to make a positive impact on our communities and uphold the highest standards of Masonic principles.

United Supreme Council

Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry Southern and Western Jurisdiction of the United States and Alaska.

Supreme College of Rites and Sacred Sciences.

Grand World Consistory of Deliberation.

Holy Royal Arch

Universal Order of the Holy Empire

Church of The Eternal Truth.

United Order Masonic Knights Templar

World Masonic University

The S.O.M.A.

International Masonic Association

World Masonic Parliament

Grand World Masonic Congress

Great White Brotherhood

Grand Oriental Jurisdiction

World Council of Allied Free Masonic Rites and Degrees

Grand Lodges and Grand Chapters

United Brotherhood Grand Lodge

Subordinate Chapters are as followed:

  • Alpha Lodge # 1
  • Hiram Lodge # 8
  • Blackstone Lodge # 23
    (Clarkston, Ga)
  • Trinity Lodge # 24

United Sisterhood Grand Chapter

Subordinate Chapters areas followed:

  • Omega Chapter # 1
  • Rose of Sharon Chapter # 3
  • Lily of the Valley Chapter # 7
  • Ester Chapter # 4

Want to Know More?

Ancient Free and Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasonry offers a glimpse into the true nature of the Universe and our place within it. It is both a progressive science and a natural philosophy dedicated to a unifying understanding of God and the betterment of humanity. We are bound together with a philosophy of moral standards, mutual understanding and brotherhood in which all of us meet on the level and part on the square. 

Our members come from all walks of life: business, civil, and religious leaders, scientists and philosophers, authors, musicians, and artisans, who have all joined together in the pursuit of More Light. We are a fraternal organization, but for us it is also A Way of Life. We are a Benevolent Patriotic Society established to promote friendship and love among our members and carry-on Benevolent works for the relief of the needy and helpless in our communities.

Our goal of this site is to serve as a forum for communication with the membership of the Modern Free and Accepted Masons of the World. We certainly hope that you enjoy your visit, and that you stop by often for current updates and late breaking news about this organization. We invite you to embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment.